Мое освобождение



In March 2019 I went to the ER and was faced with a challenging situation. After many tests I was diagnosed with cancer. The doctor said it was curable but I had to go through some treatments.

God showed me what to do in this challenging situation. I needed to immerse myself in the Scriptures I knew, writing them down and saying them aloud to myself. Confess, confess and think about it.

I took a dry-erase marker and wrote on my mirror in my bathroom and on the windows in my sun room:

Iris —

Бог сказал:

  • By his stripes you have been healed. 1 Peter 2:24. Think it – believe it – say it. Also, I claimed no symptoms and no pain.
  • 2 Corinthians 10:5: Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought (negative) to the obedience of Christ.
  • Colossians: Reminded myself that it is Christ in me the hope of glory. God in Christ in me. Holy spirit. Ephesians 1:3: spiritual blessings. With God all things are possible. Nothing is too hard for God. Jeremiah 32:27
  • I needed to saturate and immerse my mind and heart in God’s matchless Word.
  • I reminded myself how I had helped others with God’s Word. With my sister who had cancer 25 years ago, and my brother-in-law 6 years ago. With believers’ believing and support they had overcome and won the victory. Now I had to do the same for myself with the help of believers praying for me.
  • я читаю книгу Stealing Your Healing by Shirley Weidenhamer.
  • I listened to OIKEOS website teachings.
  • I read and listened to Scriptures on my tablet.
  • Most of all, I reminded myself that I wasn’t alone. People praying for me and sending Scriptures helped me to stay focused. It was like a cheerleader’s encouragement.
  • I refused to speak of the diagnosis with anyone that asked. I just told my family what they needed to do was to pray for me.
  • No social media or Facebook.
  • Only my fellowship coordinators knew the challenge, and they encouraged me. “I can do it.” “We are here to help you.” “See yourself taking care of the new baby about to be born” (the desire of my heart).
  • Special encouragement: my caregivers, my husband, my neighbor, my fellowship.

I went through treatments with very minor symptoms or after-effects.


Spoken Word of God
Prayers of believers
Scriptures texted to my phone
Teaching of the Word with illustrations and mind pictures

  • Eagle feeding eaglets its prey – a snake
  • Swan protecting cygnets with her wings

Healing ministered to me personally [Впервые]

  • At that moment I knew in my heart that I was healed

Teaching of the Word on our stand in Christ during live event

  • Teachings — electrifying
  • Learned to stand against the wiles of the devil and put on the whole armor of God. Things began to jell. Understanding in my mind was established.

The love of the believers (I hadn’t seen them since I had been sick). Hugs, touch.

Ministering service after a teaching during course [second time — healing established]

  • Invitation to be ministered to (thoughts in my mind)
    • Stand up, get ministered to.
    • No, you are healed, what would people think?
    • Finally I said [heard] Stand up — and I did.
  • Two people came and ministered to me and prayed for me.
  • While I was being ministered to it was confirmed and established that I had already been healed. Even my back was healed also!
  • I’m thankful I did get up and didn’t let fear or negative thoughts steal my healing.

The ministering service happened on a Saturday. The following Monday I went to Radiology for a P.E.T. scan. When I met with my doctor on Tuesday, she showed me two P.E.T. scans, before and after. The second P.E.T. scan showed and confirmed via the five senses the spiritual reality that I was healed!

Our God is good always and He cares for us. We are His children and He wants the best for us. Never doubt His love and concern.


Ирис Гонсалес

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