Будь лучшим, кем ты можешь быть

Kevin and Crystal Dillon

I want to share on a leadership quality that I am very, very passionate about and that is the integrity of being a father. As some of you may know I have two children and a third on the way. I have two boys, the third one is the girl, yeah. So, we are excited about that. And one of the ways I try to maintain this quality is to think of the way our heavenly Father loves us or loves me. He has been there every step of the way for me. He helps me when I fail and helps me when I succeed. This is a big deal for me, because I try to do the same for my children. To remember to love them through every trial and every tribulation that comes their way.

When I am in a jam or having pressure or conflict, I go to my heavenly Father, because I know He loves me and I know I want my kids to feel the same way about me. I want to be in that position where my kids are comfortable to come to me whenever they need it. I want to teach my kids the good and the bad. I want to be the best father I can be, just like my heavenly Father is to me. It’s really important to me because I want my children to be educated. To know the good from the bad, the right from the wrong and to have good common sense. That’s hard to come by, good common sense. And that’s just paying attention to detail, just knowing the truths of God’s Word.

Just like we are taught in the Word to be doers. I want to be an example to my children so that they can grow up and have a solid foundation. So, what if I’m none of these things? I can expect my kids to be the same. What if I’m not consistent? Not saying what I mean and meaning what I say? The best thing that works for me is finding joy in being the best father I could be. I am strong and I have mighty power for I know what God has promised me and I have it locked in.

I want to tell you guys a story. I manage my son’s baseball team, and there are twelve kids on the team. And there is one kid on my team this year, I’ve had him for the last two years, and he’s a pretty good talent, and he should have gotten picked in the early rounds. We do a draft and it’s a sneak draft. And I had the number one pick, and I went all the way around and I waited for the tenth pick for this kid. And nobody wanted him, and he should have gone earlier than that; but I wanted him, I wanted this kid  —because I had him for the last two years. Let me tell you, there are five teams and four other coaches, so I’m one of them. And nobody wanted him because recently his game or his level of production has declined.

But I wanted him because he has been coached by the coaches and he plays travel ball. And I wanted him because I know that I can work with this kid and I don’t want to give up on him like everybody else wants to. He’s an eleven-year-old kid, I don’t want to be in a position where everybody’s just going to give up on him, where he has the talent and he just wants to play and I could put him in a position where I could pull out his long suits and be on that team. Didn’t we hear that this morning? So, I want to put him in a position where he is going to excel. Just like my kids, the same applies to everybody, this  same truth applies to everybody we come across in our lives. Anybody that we run into, we don’t give up on them because they’re God’s kids. The best thing that this applies to is that we are all children and always need to be taught and to continue to grow.

I John 3:1:  “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God. Therefore, the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.” We are sons of God and God loves us. He loves me very much and I love my kids very much. I want to be in a position where I can always be that solid rock. To my kids, to my kids on my baseball team, to everybody that I’m connected to, even my wife, she’s a wonderful lady. So, be the best you can be in all that you do. I am a husband, a dad, and a son of God with all power.


Кевин Диллон

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